Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Pre-Wed Pictures - Hmm.. I have no specific reason for having pre-wedding photo session.
I just love to see all Jay Ismail's studio pictures and always wanted to have my own pictures taken by him. So now i guess I have the perfect reason to walk in his studio and ask him to click click ;)

I have told Jay the plan months ago. I didnt actually have specific date for the session as I am most of the time in Perlis and rarely come back to KL. So i took the opportunity of this cuti raya to grab Jay yang selalunya bz dengan photo session dia.

Actually was thinking to have it on Monday. Tapi memandangkan Wafa ada plan lain, (shopping dengan kak dena) so I have to postponed until Tuesday. Memandangkan Wafa is one of the important persons in the session (make up artist). Fiuh.. kalau xde Wafa mmg tak leh jalan sesi tu... takkan nak suruh Akie make up kot ;) . So I set the time on Tuesday, 2pm. Risau juga bila received a msg from Jay that asked me to call him back. Takut dia cancel or postponed, sb lepas ni dah susah nak set time and date lagi sb dah xde cuti sekolah yang panjang. Suspen je bila Jay bgtau dia demam. But i was lucky Jay tak cancel the session, dia just tangguh ke pukul 3.

Bila sampai studio Jay, mmg nampak sgt Jay tak sihat. Tapi tu tak menghalang dia amik gambar yang sgt cantik.. Tak sabar nak tunggu the real pic from Jay.

The real shots from Jay belum di edit lagi. So this is just the making of my Pre-Wed Photo Session taken by Wafa using my lousy cam :)

Kita orang shoot dua concepts. Satu concept modern, and satu lagi tradisional. So this one yang tradisional. Yang tradisional ni dtg idea spontan. Tak terpk pun nak buat mcm zaman 60 or 70 an ni.. Akie suddenly dapat idea , dia lipat lengan kemeja dia, and Jay lend him the songkok.. haha I love it!! Love it! Love it!! Should see yang dalam camera Jay ..Gile best!! For the time being, layan je la dulu yang ini :) Owh, btw, yang konsep moden tu tak wafa tak sempat nak snap huhu.. kena tunggu juga the real pics from Jay.

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