Friday, November 5, 2010


Mmg happy bila gambar2 dah siap :) Thanx Jay. Ni Nurul upload sket gambar yang dah siap.

Mmg kitorang gi studio pakai baju ni ,saje nak shoot gambar casual, nak represent who we really are. Senang sangat bekerjasama ngan Jay, walaupun dia tak sihat dan selsema, dia larat lagi layan kitorang and helped us out with the poses . Tp gitar tu bukan nurul bawa pun, pinjam Jay punya. Pose ngan gitar sb kebetulan kitorang pun mmg suka main gitar. :)

ego nak terima kebolehan org perempuan ;)


We didnt plan for this concept. Lepas shoot casual, Nurul tukar baju kebaya Indonesia tu, and ingat nak shoot dgn Akie yang pakai white shirt. The only thing I brought for the prop was the bouquet ( I stole the flowers from Mama's vase ;).. Sorry Mama, tapi mama suka jugak bunga tu bila dah jadi hand bouquet ;) ) So ingatkan nak posing ngan bunga tu, mcm biasa ikut konsep formal la.

Masa nurul tgh tukar baju, Jay ngan Akie dpt idea suddenly nak transform Akie jd 60an. So dia pinjamkan songkok, and ask me to fold akie's sleeves. Tadaaa.. Ini lah hasilnya.. Haha.. Tak terfikir pun nurul akan kelihatan sgt klasik seperti ini. Was spontaneous, but I love it.. Thanx again Jay ! He wasnt only a photographer but I must say an art director as well for the session..

the jeans! We couldnt do nothing bout it! ;)

i love this , Jay!

FInally, I would like to thank Jay Ismail for willing to shoot my pre wed photos. I really appreciate it. Most of all , thanx for the special price :)

Ok, gambar lain2 nanti tgk kat wedding ye :). Siapa yang interested dengan work Jay Ismail, can add him personally in FB - Jay F Ismail. Cheers :)

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