Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am not a fussy person. I didnt really choose the theme for my wedding because Kampung Pengantin has already represented their own garden theme which is I am ok with it.
Now , for the color, I couldnt really make up my mind earlier, kejap pk nak warna ni, kejap nak warna tu, sebab semua warna cantik as long as it is warm color, mmg suka sgt. Pink pun ok, peach pun ok, pernah juga nak pilih fuschia, fiuh!! mmg Pening jugakla..

Then I walked into Kris Maya ( wedding vendor in Wangsa Maju) with Faranadia and suddenly got the idea for the theme color.I had chosen white and maroon, and Fara agreed that was a good idea as it is her dream to have maroon and white for her wedding too (20.11.2011 kan fara ;)). So, mmg ingat nak stick to that color la, sampai la tiba2 berkenan pulak dengan pastels power :). Tgk lovely sgt warna pastel sb nampak sederhana and very calming. However, bila tgk balik, bila letak semua pastel and white, rasa mcm takde kick. Then I looked for another strong color to be mixed with white and pastel nak bagi ada contrast sket ;).. Maka datang la idea White and Magenta :).

Love the combination :). Tapi ni cita-cita je la.. Takut jugak susah nak cari item2 warna ni. Masa nak tempah mini pelamin pun, diorang kata kena check dulu ada tak kain warna ni. Kalau tak dpt nak buat warna ni pun, white and pastel pun ok :) . As I said earlier, Im not that fussy, kan Akie ;)

1 comment:

  1. aku pun supposed pakai this color at his side, but since dah tertukar plan amik ngan LR, tak jadi :(

    nice color chose
