Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Nikah + Reception Clip by Bee Hunt

Finally.. this really made my day . :) Thanx Yanti and Bee Hunt Studio, for capturing and saving this beautiful moment :) . We love it :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ye, dengan selambanya tadi baru je pergi food tasting.. Semuanya last minute. itu la saya yang salu buat benda last minute sampai semua jadi kelam kabut..

Sebenarnya takde la nak cerewet sgt psl food, however, kena jugak rasa makanan untuk pastikan semua guest makan dengan puas hati.

Overall sgt puas hati ngan makanan Kampung Pengantin. Drpd menu ayam, daging, sampaila ke ikan, semua jenis masakan mmg sedap sampai tak tahu nak pilih menu mana untuk tetamu. Kuih muih pun sedap. Rojak buah pun sedap. So hopefully masa wedding semuanya berjalan lancar mcm food tasting hari ni.
Thanx a lot to Tuan Syed Nahar sb hidangkan semua dengan proper dan very welcoming. Kebetulan td kat situ mmg ada function wedding Indian Muslim. So dpt enjoy sekali event tu sambil makan. Very interesting and unik jugak sb wedding tu ada bangra, mercun dan sgt meriah. Mcm kat bollywood je :) .

Thanx juga sb Kampung Pengantin willing to uruskan kad kahwen yang last minute, eventhough kad tu sgt simple, at least kad tu menyelamatkan keadaan ( sb kad indonesia tu sgt lambat dan tak berani nak rely on kad tu) Yang penting ada kad jemputan dan boleh jemput guest dgn lebih proper berbanding online.

Thanx a lot to Kak Fathin and Tn Syed Nahar sb bekerjasama and memahami situasi. Untuk kawan2 yang nak kawen, jgn last minute mcm saya ok ;)

Friday, November 19, 2010


Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Walimatul Urus

Dengan keizinan dan limpah kurnia Allah SWT ke atas hamba-Nya yang merancang, kami

BARIAH BT KADIR & keluarga

Dengan penuh rasa kesyukuran dan segala hormatnya mempersilakan hadirin
Ke Majlis Persandingan puteri kesayangan kami

Siti Nurulhuda bt Raja Azmi

dengan pasangannya

Ruzzeki bin Harris

Pada 18 Disember 2010
(bersamaan 11 Muharam 1432)
Jam 8.00 mlm

Kampung Pengantin Kuala Lumpur,
Jalan Usahawan 3/23A
Off Jalan Genting Kelang,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Aturcara Majlis :

7:45 – Kehadiran tetamu jemputan
8.00 – Upacara majlis persandingan diikuti majlis makan malam
9.45 – Upacara Memotong kek
10.30 – Sesi bergambar dan bersurai

Maklum balas sebelum 10 Disember 2010
(Tel/sms) 019-3801550 Aznida Salwa Raja Azmi
(Email) ruzzekiharris@gmail.com

Semoga dengan kehadiran para tetamu akan menyerikan lagi
majlis ini dan diberkati Allah S.W.T jua hendaknya.

RSVP Format (copy paste dan emailkan ke ruzzekiharris@gmail.com)

Jumlah Hadirin (termasuk diri anda) :
Alamat* (if u wish to receive the detail on the invitation card) :

Peta lokasi:*kemudahan surau disediakan di lokasi

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Lyanne (Lee Yana) Batik is located in a kampong village, Pulau Meranti, Selangor on 5 acres of lush tropical vegetation sandwiched between Cyberjaya and Puchong and just 10 minutes from the administrative capital city, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Lyanne Batik was set up by Kamaliah Ismail, daughter of the late Ismail Zain, the renowned fine art guru. Kamaliah dabbled in graphic design before she found her true calling in batik. With the sole aim of producing and supplying tasteful contemporary, ethnic and tribal Malaysian batik, Kamaliah conceptualized and built Lyanne Batik gallery, factory and workshop in a tropical resort setting to create an environment so exciting and stimulating to further inspire her and her team to produce beautiful and unique Art to wear.

I am so happy when my bestfriend (/my maid of honor) told me that Lyanne Batik intended to sponsor Batik Handkerchief as my wedding doorgift. They customized simple new designs especially for my wedding, with my wedding theme color, Magenta. :) I love it! Thanx LyanneBatik :).

*Find out more about Lyanne Batik at http://www.lyannebatik.com.my/ :)

Sunday, November 7, 2010


I am not a fussy person. I didnt really choose the theme for my wedding because Kampung Pengantin has already represented their own garden theme which is I am ok with it.
Now , for the color, I couldnt really make up my mind earlier, kejap pk nak warna ni, kejap nak warna tu, sebab semua warna cantik as long as it is warm color, mmg suka sgt. Pink pun ok, peach pun ok, pernah juga nak pilih fuschia, fiuh!! mmg Pening jugakla..

Then I walked into Kris Maya ( wedding vendor in Wangsa Maju) with Faranadia and suddenly got the idea for the theme color.I had chosen white and maroon, and Fara agreed that was a good idea as it is her dream to have maroon and white for her wedding too (20.11.2011 kan fara ;)). So, mmg ingat nak stick to that color la, sampai la tiba2 berkenan pulak dengan pastels power :). Tgk lovely sgt warna pastel sb nampak sederhana and very calming. However, bila tgk balik, bila letak semua pastel and white, rasa mcm takde kick. Then I looked for another strong color to be mixed with white and pastel nak bagi ada contrast sket ;).. Maka datang la idea White and Magenta :).

Love the combination :). Tapi ni cita-cita je la.. Takut jugak susah nak cari item2 warna ni. Masa nak tempah mini pelamin pun, diorang kata kena check dulu ada tak kain warna ni. Kalau tak dpt nak buat warna ni pun, white and pastel pun ok :) . As I said earlier, Im not that fussy, kan Akie ;)

Friday, November 5, 2010


Mmg happy bila gambar2 dah siap :) Thanx Jay. Ni Nurul upload sket gambar yang dah siap.

Mmg kitorang gi studio pakai baju ni ,saje nak shoot gambar casual, nak represent who we really are. Senang sangat bekerjasama ngan Jay, walaupun dia tak sihat dan selsema, dia larat lagi layan kitorang and helped us out with the poses . Tp gitar tu bukan nurul bawa pun, pinjam Jay punya. Pose ngan gitar sb kebetulan kitorang pun mmg suka main gitar. :)

ego nak terima kebolehan org perempuan ;)


We didnt plan for this concept. Lepas shoot casual, Nurul tukar baju kebaya Indonesia tu, and ingat nak shoot dgn Akie yang pakai white shirt. The only thing I brought for the prop was the bouquet ( I stole the flowers from Mama's vase ;).. Sorry Mama, tapi mama suka jugak bunga tu bila dah jadi hand bouquet ;) ) So ingatkan nak posing ngan bunga tu, mcm biasa ikut konsep formal la.

Masa nurul tgh tukar baju, Jay ngan Akie dpt idea suddenly nak transform Akie jd 60an. So dia pinjamkan songkok, and ask me to fold akie's sleeves. Tadaaa.. Ini lah hasilnya.. Haha.. Tak terfikir pun nurul akan kelihatan sgt klasik seperti ini. Was spontaneous, but I love it.. Thanx again Jay ! He wasnt only a photographer but I must say an art director as well for the session..

the jeans! We couldnt do nothing bout it! ;)

i love this , Jay!

FInally, I would like to thank Jay Ismail for willing to shoot my pre wed photos. I really appreciate it. Most of all , thanx for the special price :)

Ok, gambar lain2 nanti tgk kat wedding ye :). Siapa yang interested dengan work Jay Ismail, can add him personally in FB - Jay F Ismail. Cheers :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Pre-Wed Pictures - Hmm.. I have no specific reason for having pre-wedding photo session.
I just love to see all Jay Ismail's studio pictures and always wanted to have my own pictures taken by him. So now i guess I have the perfect reason to walk in his studio and ask him to click click ;)

I have told Jay the plan months ago. I didnt actually have specific date for the session as I am most of the time in Perlis and rarely come back to KL. So i took the opportunity of this cuti raya to grab Jay yang selalunya bz dengan photo session dia.

Actually was thinking to have it on Monday. Tapi memandangkan Wafa ada plan lain, (shopping dengan kak dena) so I have to postponed until Tuesday. Memandangkan Wafa is one of the important persons in the session (make up artist). Fiuh.. kalau xde Wafa mmg tak leh jalan sesi tu... takkan nak suruh Akie make up kot ;) . So I set the time on Tuesday, 2pm. Risau juga bila received a msg from Jay that asked me to call him back. Takut dia cancel or postponed, sb lepas ni dah susah nak set time and date lagi sb dah xde cuti sekolah yang panjang. Suspen je bila Jay bgtau dia demam. But i was lucky Jay tak cancel the session, dia just tangguh ke pukul 3.

Bila sampai studio Jay, mmg nampak sgt Jay tak sihat. Tapi tu tak menghalang dia amik gambar yang sgt cantik.. Tak sabar nak tunggu the real pic from Jay.

The real shots from Jay belum di edit lagi. So this is just the making of my Pre-Wed Photo Session taken by Wafa using my lousy cam :)

Kita orang shoot dua concepts. Satu concept modern, and satu lagi tradisional. So this one yang tradisional. Yang tradisional ni dtg idea spontan. Tak terpk pun nak buat mcm zaman 60 or 70 an ni.. Akie suddenly dapat idea , dia lipat lengan kemeja dia, and Jay lend him the songkok.. haha I love it!! Love it! Love it!! Should see yang dalam camera Jay ..Gile best!! For the time being, layan je la dulu yang ini :) Owh, btw, yang konsep moden tu tak wafa tak sempat nak snap huhu.. kena tunggu juga the real pics from Jay.